Reflecting on Empowerment & Divinity - Women's History Month Edition

March is Women’s History Month, this month dating back to over a century ago has had historical moments marked by women throughout the world. This month hosts various other important dates we celebrate; the mark of the spring Equinox, Pi Day, and International Writers Day (Happy belated to all my fellow writers!)

In the early 1900s, women started taking a stand, fighting for more freedom in their communities. Throughout this month in history all across the world, women started protesting and striking mainly regarding work. By 1987 the United States passed a law through Congress that designated the entire month to Women’s History

We have achieved so much since then, today women hold high positions of power in nearly every industry, and there has been a whole era of growth with the internet for stay-at-home moms who start blogs, vlogs, and online businesses — women empowerment is at an all-time high. In today's fast-paced society, we are still learning to balance our natural call for motherhood, having our keep and contributions, and being a big part of our families.

To celebrate or show appreciation throughout the month you can wear purple, green, and white to honor the powerful women who came before us, in our own lives and throughout all of history who paved a different way for us. In my own life, I can say I have been raised and grown up around very independent, intelligent, strong, bold women. Since the age of 9, my mother raised me mainly on her own, with the help of my grandparents. I spent every day with my grandmother in her sitting room and my grandfather commuting us to school so my mother could get to work. My father’s mother ran her own interior design business and raised two boys herself as a teen mom. I have an older (step) sister whom I have looked up to since I was in middle school and a stepmother I admire whom I have cultivated a healthy relationship with.

Woman empowerment to me includes standing in your Divine feminine. As females, we are emotional, hormonal, and driven by the heart naturally. Men throughout history have always been known to be more stoic and driven by the mind or body. Empowering comes from within first and is shown throughout your actions, words, and overall energy. You can tell someone is empowered, and confident, by how they walk, talk, and act most of the time.

The last three years in my own life have brought me on a journey of self-love, self-empowerment, and stepping into my Divine higher self. I had to retreat and look deep, deep within to reassess my life — how I got where I was, where exactly I was, and where I wanted to be. In a way, that’s what led me to write to begin with. As a child I was always advised to keep a notebook and write, I never was fond of taking advice much. However, in 2021, after I found myself with lots of time on my hands once my full-time job had let me go I decided to pick up a journal again and actually get it all out, the whole story. Some of it was shocking to realize, some of it was heartbreaking, but the awareness changed everything. To this day I continue to empower and encourage myself through self-awareness, honesty, and reflection. The growth I have undergone in the last three years has been monumental. I have learned so much about this life, this planet, and my inner workings on a much deeper level.

March 30th, 2024 will be my 27th trip around the sun on this planet, and as I reflect on the last few years to the last decade, I see the flow in all of it. That is what the Divine Feminine energy embodies; flow. I am reminding myself to be softer - with my Capricorn Rising I am my worst enemy, always pushing myself and never giving enough credit for how far I’ve come. I may not be exactly where I want to but I’m damn sure far from where I was, and that alone is enough.

This Women's History Month, I encourage you to seek a woman in your life who has made a difference and reach out. If you can't reach out, reflect on a story or time that you fondly remember of, or with them. Let us not forget those who paved the way and came before us, so we could live as free as we do today.


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