Nature, Free Medicine, Therapy, and Restoration

I feel as if I have always walked the spiritual path. There was a time in my life when I was very disconnected to everything around me, even myself. I was being medicated by a medical practitioner as an angsty teenager and I will forever remember that experience as numbing and robotic. I never felt like me and no matter how I tried to describe it, it didn’t matter because I was diagnosed with a “chemical imbalance” in my brain and needed to be medicated. Oh big Pharma, how convincing you have become.

I have been off any medication for almost 4 years and the amount of growth, healing, and experience I have gained these years have taught me so much. I made a decision to help myself by myself — eating better/healthier, getting in shape by daily walks/jogs, and taking more time to sit with myself in all ways. It has been the greatest decision I made for myself to this day.

These days my practices are strong. While I could be better with what I eat and getting more active I’m giving myself grace right now during the winter months in Upstate NY (when it’s 20 degrees or less, dark and wet outside it is very easy to be convinced to stay in.) Being a puppy mom too makes that even more difficult, the mom guilt is real because I know he needs to burn that energy off!

Today was one of those days I needed my nature medicine. After my morning meltdown and feeding the pups, I set out to go for a drive and stop and get some fresh air. A 40-degree day in January here is rare, so I made sure to take advantage of it. I made 2 stops at some of my most peaceful, healing spots — cemeteries. I find a lot of comfort there visiting my passed loved ones. The quiet, wind blowing against me, the birds, and the trees are some of the most healing properties we have here…and are so taken for granted.

I have made a promise to myself over the last 2 years to focus on more holistic ways of healing, eating, and being. Nature is the first source, always because we ARE natural beings. Why we migrate towards processed, fake products that are marketed to make us “feel better” but the side effects in turn make it worse will forever mind-boggle me.

If you make space and time for nature, it can heal you in ways unimaginable until you actually experience it. Outside with the trees has become one of my favorite places to be.


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