Finding My Own Way

The month of July has been flying by before our eyes.
During these chaotic chapters of change, it is imperative to remain calm.

As this year passes from the mid-point into the third and fourth quarters,
we are called to take stock of all we have gained, lost, and learned.

We will be experiencing an upcoming full moon stopping in 29° Capricorn on Sunday, July 21. This will be the second of Capricorn full moons in the last month, meaning Capricorn and Saturn's influence is very present on our planet. Saturn governs all things regarding order, structure, and discipline.
We are navigating new territory, there is a sense of a big shift in the air. We are being called to take stock of where we have gone this year.
Are there areas that are "disordered" where we can find order? Is there anything you can let go of that is weighing you down and not contributing to a healthy routine or structure?
The full moon in Capricorn will be highlighting just that.

I am no astrologer by any means, but energetically and spiritually I am very in tune with myself.
Anytime there is significant energy with shifts in the cosmos, it is almost always evident
on this planet within our own lives. Capricorn is in my natal first house, my ascendant/rising sign.
Saturnian energy has a heavy influence in my life, and with it and Neptune (also in my natal first house)
retrograde combined with the aspects surrounding the Moon, Neptune, and Saturn with this lunation
— I have been welcoming and expecting this new energy to surge in.

Between our economic and political climate, things in America have gotten quite heated as the year continues. Society has been forced to face things in the last four years we could have never foreseen and it has taken an evident toll mentally, physically, and spiritually. 
Collectively there is a focus on bringing more awareness to our spirituality and becoming more intentional. Technology is intertwined with our lives more than it ever has been before. 

During the chaos of these times, it is essential to have practices to protect yourself physically and energetically, as well as connecting with nature, grounding, and remembering just how close everything on this planet truly is — in contrast to how much technology is not. 

The last four years have taught me to go my own way, even if I don’t know where that is or how I will get there. 

Your faith must be stronger than any fears. Once you surrender to stillness, you’ll become wise beyond your years.


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