27 Lessons I've Learned (27th Birthday Edition)

In honor of my 27th trip around the sun, here are 27 lessons I've learned throughout my journey on this planet. Simple yet deeply transformative, they have laid the groundwork for the tremendous growth I have undergone in the last 5 years. So blessed to be here, all the love ~ S 

i.     Take care of your body, because it takes care of you. 

   We so often neglect how powerful our bodies our, our brains alone are some of the most complex living organisms this world has ever known. Our body truly does keep score, and trust me, the numbers can add up quickly.

ii.    Learn to love yourself deeply, it will ensure all your other relationships are rooted in love as well.

iii.    Read or write every day, it keeps your brain sharp. 

   We are so glued to instant gratification and entertainment from our screens constantly, when is the last time you read a physical book or broke out your notepad/journal?

iv.    Form your own opinions and do your own research, on anything & everything.

   You would be surprised by how many people look to others for guidance. We must rely on our own instincts first, then words and information, then others' guidance - too often it is the reverse.

v.    Don’t take everything people say at face value, our fleeting emotions too often mince the true intentions behind our words.

   Contrary to popular belief, we do not have to care at all about anything anyone says yet we love language so much we are willing to bend, twist, and mince words to distort the truth to others. Oftentimes we might not even realize how much our words affect those we are speaking to. Awareness of your own emotions and how you respond is good social etiquette. 

vi.    Appreciate everything while it’s here, most things are temporary .

    Not to be 'doom and gloom' but if you have experienced the loss of a loved one, you know this all too well. This not only applies to people, but environments; jobs, towns and cities, and communities we are called to. Change is one of the only constants on this planet, nothing is forever.

vii.    Peace is worth more than most things.

     After finding it, I can confirm. It remains one of the things I am most grateful for in this lifetime.

viii.    Nothing comes close to spending quality time with loved ones - do it often while you can.

     I've heard too often the regrets of not spending enough time with our family, friends, etc. while they are here - especially if they pass unexpectedly. Make it a point to be present in the lives of your loved ones.

ix.    True love isn’t a myth, it’s a choice. You align with it when you choose & truly love you first.

x.    Religion and spirituality are one and the same — belief and faith in something bigger than you. Have that.

    It is a must. Human beings are not the end-all, be-all and we know that by the expansiveness of our own biological ecosystem on earth. All the plant and animal species among us in all their variations.

xi.    “Calm is a superpower” 

    I have that on a nightshirt that I have worn the heck out of. It is a powerful truth that I've grown to love embracing.

xii.    Sunlight can fix a lot of things.

    Even 5 minutes a day can change your whole mood, nothing replaces natural vitamins!

xiii.    Time by yourself is healthy and necessary to grow.

      In this society of speed and urgency, we must take time alone away from the noise to really look at and sit with ourselves. That is how we heal things that have hurt us, that is where the growth happens.

xiv.    Speak LIFE into you and INTO your being.

     We are constantly putting ourselves out there for the internet world to see, have you thought about how much slander we are subject to that we will never know about? That energy lingers, protect yours and remind yourself often how much you are loved, how much you love yourself, how healthy and happy you are (or want to be) because our words affect us the most.

xv.    Make the most of it 😊

    We are here for a short time, why would we not enjoy it? Learn to live in the moment and make the most out of every moment - I promise you won't regret it. 

xvi.    “Great minds never stop learning & ignorant minds already know everything”

      A wise quote I once found that holds infinite truth.

xvii.    It is possible to have some of the happiest & depressing days in the same week and moments in the same day.

       Been there, done that - the ups and downs are part of the nature of life here. 

xviii.    As above, so below. As within, so without.

       Referencing the last lesson above, this is an important Hermetic principle - passed down centuries ago. Duality is all around us; sun/moon, night/day, black/white - we are no different.

xix.    Stay grounded & grateful daily

xx.    Patience & faith go hand in hand.

    It takes patience to have faith, and faith to have patience so - you get the point!

xxi.    There is a difference between a response & a reaction.

    Ah, yes, back to the importance of our words! When we pause before we speak, and communicate in a regular tone that is a response. A reaction is when we suddenly, well, react or speak immediately without thinking; most often resulting in regret all because of impulsivity.

xxii.    Healthy habits are the key to success.

      I actually have a book called Million Dollar Habits: 27 Powerful Habits to Wire Your Mind for Success, Become Truly Happy, and Achieve Financial Freedom by Stellan Moreira that explains just that. The actions we choose to take every day decide our fate.

xxiii.    Music speaks for the soul, what the heart feels but words can’t say.

      I have loved music since I was young. My mom would always play music on our family computer while doing laundry or cleaning growing up and the early 2000s was prime for R&B, hip-hop, and pop. My family has always had good taste in music, even though we all have our own style.

xxiv.    You can ALWAYS change your mindset.

       I promise it is never too late! 

xxv.    Keep a birds-eye view.

       I try my best to always look at a situation that is not ideal from a higher perspective, a "zoomed out" view of all that is at play. The saying "it is happening for you, not to you" is a key here!

xxvi.    “Not enough time” is not an excuse.

       We have 24 hours in a day, 168 hours in a week, and (roughly) 672 hours in a month - you're telling me you don't have time for something? We make time for the things we love. I learned quickly in my professional career that "I don't have enough time" is not a real excuse because if there is a will, there is a way.

xxvii.    Move with grace and dignity in the fact that you are exactly where you need to be.
    I am a firm believer in Divine timing after what I have been through since the pandemic. My faith is as strong as it has ever been, in my spirituality and internally. I wish this feeling of freeness on all because it is truly life-changing.


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