Conscious Living, a Lost Art Form

Not that long ago we were a society that valued everything this planet has to offer living species. The development and advancement of technology in the last few decades have rapidly drawn us away from the outdoors and each other. 

Frequency is a term we once heard in science class or when speaking on music but is now widely used among the new-age spiritual community in terms of energy. Think of a heart rate monitor, as you exercise the lines are constantly going up and down as opposed to when you're lying down about to go to sleep they are more drawn out and not jumping as high. Each of us energetically vibrates at a different frequency, those with high energy and a positive, bubbly, giving approach to life live at a higher frequency than those who don't do much all day but sit in the house, eat junk food, binge watch, and sleep day after day. 

We are energetic beings and there is energy in everything. In the plants outside, our animals, our food, music, workplace, TV shows and media, etc. It seems to me, as I have become more aware of just how important energy and frequency truly are in our lives, how much of what normal society consumes is alarmingly low in frequency, and in some cases toxic to our health.

When you turn on the TV if you still have cable, and watch the news - not many inspiring, hopeful, positive stories are on display these days. When you listen to new music coming out that grows popular it is almost always laced with hypnotic frequencies to have you hooked. When we have to read all the ingredients on every item at the grocery store because of GMOs, preservatives, and pesticides being used in our modern-day food processing and agriculture industries. When we question those weird lines in the sky that aren't clouds but are various metals being sprayed into the air to modify weather patterns that in turn inundate our bodies with metal. Most of our population could use a good metal detox.

In today's America, it is not a mystery to those of us who survived a pandemic, vaccinations, job losses, the highest inflation we've ever seen, and the weakest government we've ever had not even attempting to help or do right - it is glaringly obvious we need to be on our side. In favor of ourselves, our health, our future, and the future of our children and generations to come. We need to be the leaders in taking control back of our lives and replacing the bad options with better ones, for everyone's sake. 

Conscious living is becoming aware of what you are consuming. It is training your mind to think rationally and independently and have a strong discernment regarding right/wrong, and good/evil. Once you have the awareness, the action is in your everyday decisions - tea or soda, fast food or cooking a homemade meal, sleeping all day or getting together with a friend, binge-watching a whole series or going for a walk. The power is in your hands, and trust me once you know better, you do better. There will be days when you wish you made better decisions or should have but the effort and thought count. We are human beings, naturally flawed, always room for improvement so please, be graceful on this journey to yourself and others.


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