Shifting Through The Cycles With Ease

Let's face it — change really is the only constant. As a collective, we’ve been through enough of it in such a short amount of time to not recognize the impact it has. To realize the impact evolution has on a society.

R​ecently I find myself asking “Where am I going?” “Where are we going as a collective?” “How can we find solutions instead of blaming each other for the problem?” The answer is only the echo of the question. Y​ou see, the possibilities are endless, but some minds aren’t equipped with the endless perspectives of the best, the worst, and all the in-between. Some glasses are just too foggy, but the fog always fades.

Right now — as I sit in an “in-between” chapter of my own life I have faced some hard-hitting truths, here are some I’d like to share

  • The path of least resistance is the most foreign but the most necessary

The last couple of years have been filled with so much trauma, heartache, and horror it is hard to not expect more of that. All the trials and tribulations we have all faced have hardened us and the striking emotion of rage has consumed most of us. But at the core of the most enraged person is one who is bitter within.

  • Q​ue sera, sera — whatever will be, will be

T​he most freeing song/quote yet the hardest to accept. No matter what happens or where life takes us, what we are faced with, and who we deal with — there is a Divine order. My spirituality has soared these last couple of years. I have embraced my light and the darker aspects. I work with me, not against me. There is a reason you are here on this Earth right now operating as who you are in all your individuality, you chose this. This is no accident.

  • The comeback is always greater than the setback

I​’ve been through enough of my own hardships and victories to accept and honor this. This time, I’m doing things differently. This time I’m doing what I want to do and what I know will bring me joy and peace. This time I am honoring myself, my progress, and my growth, and trusting this period of stagnation is the perfect opportunity to rest and recharge.

2​ songs come to mind when I think of anthems of my own life — “Try Again” by Aaliyah and “Get Up 10” by Cardi B

“​Cause if at first you don’t succeed, you can dust it off and try again”

“​Knock me down 9 times but I get up 10”

A​s I was reminded recently, I always land on my own 2 feet. I have always possessed within me anything I ever needed to get to where I needed to be, even when I didn’t even know where I was headed. And let’s face it, most of the time we don’t. But following what feels good, right, and true to your heart (as cliché as it sounds) is a great indicator that you’re on the right path. That you are exactly where you need to be. Truth be told, life always has a way of working out. Every cycle leads into the next.

So embrace your cycles. Embrace your timing. Embrace where you are right here, right now. The rest will all work itself out. Give gratitude for how far you’ve come and who you’ve become along the way because you get to begin again each and every day. And for once, please, give yourself a break!

You get to transform and evolve through every heartbreak, every blessing, every lesson, and every victory along the way. You get to redefine yourself over and over again, with each sunset and sunrise. This life is so beautiful if you take the time to notice it.


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