never give up. - A Short Story -

O​nce upon a time there was a girl who always felt she had the short end of the stick. Ambitious, loyal and determined yet a force outside her control reaking havoc. Inside her mind was so much fear, there was no sign of a solution in sight. Then she turned within and saw all she needed, her own light. So much fire stuck within her it didn’t know what to do. It turned to rage and anger, inside it suck like glue.

T​he girl cleaned out the debris from the storms her life had made for her. She started anew and when that came crashing too, she ran for solitude. Making a life on her own with her words and her mind, she got real close to the Divine.

L​ife is truly cylical, you break the pattern — you break the chains.

W​hen you find what sets your soul on fire, I pray you do it each day.


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