Balancing Ambition with Boundaries

After years of tumultuous energy, constant battles between my head and my heart, and so many setbacks — I continue to come out on top. My positive attitude, determination, and resilience may accredit me to most of my good fortune but none of that comes easily. I mean, what good lessons do?

One of the hardest lessons I have had to learn throughout the first half of my 20s is that not everybody wants to see you doing well. It is you who are the determining factor on how good you feel and why you feel that way. After plenty periods of isolation, I learned the importance of prioritizing my peace, establishing healthy habits and ridding myself of toxic ones. That is to include any diet regime, environment, activities, and especially people. Everything that does not feel pure, right or have good intentions must go. It was not an easy one to learn, in fact it was very heartbreaking to go through. I have had to watch every person, job or environment be removed from my life until I had “nothing” — which really was everything.

You see in that nothingness, I found myself. I found immense gratitude each morning for simply waking up, for my home, for my family and friends, my clothes, and my BREATH. We take our own breath for granted often, and especially our own hearts — always deceiving them with our analytical minds because we as a society are on mental overdrive all the time. The stimulation from our phones, tablets, and computers does take its toll. I got outside more, I stayed in the sun longer, I could sit by the water and some trees and just be — no music, no talking, nothing. Just the silent reservoir water, an occasional frog croak, and lots of bug movement in the woods.



         Why are boundaries so important?


As a motivated, young female who grew up with severe people-pleasing tendencies — my most vulnerable days are over. Once I was able to see who I truly was, what I’ve been through and am capable of, what I desire, and where I am headed I established the boundaries I needed to. I believe that until that point — the point of knowing and owning who you are fully, your boundaries will not be solidified because they can easily be overlooked and disregarded.

As humans (especially ones that are more sentient, like empaths) it can be quite difficult to communicate boundaries. It is encoded in our DNA to bond with each other, create relationships and most importantly be of service to one another. However with that being said, it is those same relationships that can destroy our confidence and in turn our boundaries with not only others but ourselves as well. Healthy communication skills are crucial when instilling boundaries with yourself and others but understand there are no right or wrong ways to communicate your boundaries as long as you are being honest, respectful and considerate of who you are speaking to.

Ambition is a trait that I have always possessed strongly, from a young age I knew I was built different than most. I have experienced some of my darkest times right before my greatest blessings and my faith is forever strengthened because of that cyclical nature of my own life. Balancing my ambitious side with my need to assert my boundaries when I am overwhelmed, burnt out or not receiving what I feel I should has taken patience, time and dedication to becoming the best version of me.The best version of you is what we should all strive for.

I am still learning how to best manage my boundaries, time, and ambitions. As my intentions become more clear, specific and expansive I continue to see how miraculous the energetic world around me responds. I am grateful to have gone through all the hardships I have because I know that they will always be rectified better than I could ever imagine.

The world is yours ~


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