10 Crystals For Your Home You Didn’t Know You Needed

Crystal gemstones have been used for centuries and are powerful totems. They are formed in various atmospheres and are found in various shapes, sizes, and colors. Every crystal is unique and has its own special properties, just like us! Many of the crystals we have found on this planet are capable of healing, protecting, and cleansing us physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Crystals are natural, often inexpensive, and aesthetically pleasing — not to mention a conversation starter. They can aid in many areas of your life and are very beneficial to have around you when you know how they work and how powerful they are! Here are 10 crystals that are perfect for various rooms in your home and how they can serve you best.

1.) Obsidian

Also known as lava glass or volcanic glass, obsidian is formed after a volcanic eruption from quickly cooled lava and once hardened and fractured, it is sharp enough to be used as a sword, knife, or blade. Mainly found in black, it can appear in other colors like maroon, grey, blue, purple, and yellow/golden. It is connected to all of the chakras, which are energy centers throughout our body. There are many, but the most commonly referred to are the 7 down our spinal system — Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye (Pineal gland), and Crown.

There are many powerful properties obsidian holds, including negative energy extraction, creating calm, grounding energy, stress relief, and clarity. It is said that obsidian is best placed at the entrance or northern corner of the home to protect the entirety of the space and cleanse new energies that come in.

2.) Selenite

Selenite is the strongest cleansing crystal, so strong it is used to cleanse other crystals! Crystals absorb energy, so it is very important to routinely cleanse, which you can do with selenite, smoke, water (not in all cases), soil and even meditating with them. Selenite is named after Selene, the Greek goddess of the moon. The earliest recordings of selenite being used are within the Mesopotamian civilization and it is still widely used today for healing, cleansing, and promoting peace.

The frequency of selenite is of the highest and purest. It is related to all the chakras, similar to obsidian, but is mainly associated with the crown and third eye chakra energy centers. However, depending on the color (typically clear to white, but can have other colors included) it can open and assist with other chakras. It is best placed in entryways throughout the home to constantly clear energy. It can be used to amplify other stone frequencies and transmute energy.

3.) Rose Quartz

Also known as the “stone of love” or heart stone, rose quartz is the ultimate “love talisman.” It is connected to the Virgin Mother Mary, and used for love and healing remedies and elixirs for centuries — including in ancient Egypt where it was used in facials! Rose quartz is not only connected to the heart and love matters; it promotes balance, fertility, and prosperity, and can even be used to revive dying plants. The meaning of rose quartz is unconditional love, so the best room to place this crystal is in your bedroom close to your bed, on your nightstand, or under your pillow. You could also place rose quartz in the bathroom because of its high vibration and beautiful properties.

4.) Amethyst

Amethyst is a stunning, high-frequency stone that aids with addictions, stress relief, protection, and enhancing focus. Due to its vibrant color purple, which is also the color of royalty, and its high vibrational frequency, it is related to the crown and third eye chakras. The word amethyst means enlightenment and it is known to regulate emotions, clear negativity, aid with spiritual growth, and help regulate lower vibrations and emotions.

There are several places you could place amethyst to enhance its energy, in Crystal Bliss: Attract Love. Feed Your Spirit. Manifest Your Dream Devi Brown relays that amethyst can be placed in any area of the home for extra stability and support — so where you need it most! It can also be worn in jewelry to protect against addictive behaviors and stressful or negative environments.

5.) Smoky Quartz

Smoky quartz is also referred to as the “stone of power.” Related to the root chakra and aids tremendously in stress relief, relaxation, and keeping the energy pure, smoky quartz promotes emotional calmness along with stress and anxiety relief. Smoky quartz also has incredible detoxifying capabilities not only energetically but from radiation and electromagnetic smog as well.

If you suffer from insomnia, nightmares, or poor sleep, I recommend placing it on your nightstand or close to your bedside as it can alleviate those worries and fears and help lift your mood before bed and while you sleep. You can wear smoky quartz as jewelry for extra physical and spiritual protection as well. In the home, it is best placed by the front door or windowsill to bring protection. Paired with obsidian, this stone can act as a protective shield for your body and home and keep the frequency elevated.

6.) Shungite

Shungite is not necessarily a crystal, it is a mineraloid that is 99% carbon and an ancient stone said to have been around for the last two billion years. Used mainly for its cleansing and healing properties, scientists have even used it for inflammation and oxidative stress treatments. Shungite shields from electromagnetic frequencies and because of its antibacterial and antioxidant properties can even be used to purify water. It is associated with the root chakra and specializes in energetic and physical cleansing, detoxifying, and protecting.

Be cautious to cleanse this stone regularly as it is routinely detoxifying energies throughout your space. You can place a small shungite stone in your water pitcher or bottle to purify the water. Keep it in the living room, or an open area where there is frequent electronic traffic; phones, televisions, tablets, routers, etc.

7.) Black Tourmaline

Black tourmaline is the “bodyguard” of all the protective crystals. Similar to smoky quartz and shungite in its properties and frequency, it is related to the root chakra and is also known to protect against EMF and negative energies. Black tourmaline, also known as Schorl Tourmaline is prized for its negative energy repellent and protective qualities. In ancient times it is said to be used to cast out dark spirits, aid in spellwork and rituals, and bring in luck.

You can place four small pieces of black tourmaline in the 4 corners of your home for ultimate EMF protection or in the doorways and windows, similar to the other protective and energy-cleansing stones listed previously. In Crystal Healing for Women: A Modern Guide to the Power of Crystals for Renewed Energy, Strength, and Wellness Mariah K. Lyons suggests carrying black tourmaline while traveling or at work.

8.) Citrine

Varying in color from light to dark yellow-brown color and another form of quartz with similar properties to amethyst, citrine is a unique high-frequency stone. This stone radiates the frequency of confidence, abundance, creativity, success, and hope. Its orange tone and vibration relate it to the solar plexus, where our gut and intuition are, and also from where our creativity is birthed. According to Devi Brown’s book, Crystal Bliss: Attract Love. Feed Your Spirit. Manifest Your Dreams citrine is known as the “stone of success” and is often used in manifestation practices.

Citrine is perfect in the kitchen, bedroom, or workspace. You could even leave it in the living room for extra engaging conversations. It is also a great stone for jewelry pieces to wear as it will keep you calm, yet energized, and keep your energy levels high.

9.) Clear Quartz

Clear quartz is also known as the “master healer” and is deemed necessary for any crystal owner. It is a purifier of energy, an enhancer of crystal frequencies, and received its title because of its ability to transform and purify vibration and energy. It is connected to all the chakras and zodiac signs and is so strong it was used in ancient Egypt by being placed on a physical ailment to cure it.

This powerful stone can balance, clear, and transmute energy, enhance focus, and promote peace and positivity. You can use this crystal close to others to amplify other stones’ properties, in entryways to keep positive, clear energy in any room, or in the office/study/workspace to promote focus, clarity, and abundance.

10.) Malachite

(Bonus stone!) A very powerful healing stone, malachite unlocks abundance and prosperity and allows you to deeply connect with your heart center, unlocking your purpose. It aids in psychic protection, heart connection, and healing in many ways. It has been known to heal menstrual issues, asthma, depression, anxiety, and inflammation. Malachite is the “Stone of Transformation” and was first discovered by the Ancient Egyptians who first used it as a pigment and is one of the first stones used for protection.

In your home, malachite would best be served in places of entrance such as doors and windows as it is known to protect against pollution, radiation, and low vibrational energies. It also has positive, peaceful, healing, and supportive properties that would suit you in your bedroom or bathroom as well.


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