Published Poems

 Below are past poems I have published on Medium. Consider checking them out here!


Transition Period

Sitting in the darkness

the in-between feels cold —

Eager for the newness,

so much has filled the old.

Who I was has changed,

she no longer

feels the shame

or dares let anyone

make her out to blame.

No longer the scapegoat;

finally she learned the game.


The Prayer

praying for those who cross me,

because they will never get to see

how their betrayal

deceit & true lack of

accountability —

can lead them to miss out

on the best of things

and those that get to see me bloom

well, they’ve been here

before I even knew

that I was always destined for

a life beyond my wildest

dreams dropping hints & leaving bits

scatterbrained and restless.

forced to rest,

even though it truly is

for the best

my mind cannot help but think of

what I could be.

right before bed,

the rhymes flood my head

the spirit talk is endless

my sacred time,

my healing time,

just me, myself, & the Divine.

praying for their peace.

praying for my protection.

gratitude is a daily practice ,

my tried and true medicine

praying for divine miracles

praying the intruding thoughts

leave me alone

praying this abundance finds me


i’ve overcome the dark & gloom

uncovered hidden truths

they could never

begin to understand

not until

you understand the moon

because the beauty she exudes

will show you

the real you

so listen to your soul speak —

that voice you ignore often

when the anxiety manages to creep

then you will find

your true sanctuary


The Never Ending Journey

about all there is to gain

How much can you sustain?

you may have lost some things

but look at all you’ve gained.

Sometimes we are quick to forget -

that winning

never equals

less pain

funny how whether they praise

or throw dirt on your name,

it all will attribute to your fame

look at the way

the Light shines

through me

Would you believe it was the darkness

that actually set me free?

Forced me to shed a lot -

tears, love, friends, beliefs

So many plots against me

yet I remain undefeated

I rise
I rise
I continue to rise

Promise when I tell you
that the darkness

will never lead
to my demise

Forever have my eyes on the prize —
my freedom
that’s success in my eyes

This Too Shall Pass

Holding out for something better, because trust me — better comes

But when you are dragged down so often it is hard to remember all the better outcomes

The only place I seek is solitude, that is where I run

And every single day I try to place myself in the warmth of the sun

I am heavily protected — that is what I’ve come to realize

Because somehow, some way the internet and society are polluted with lies

The balance of our planet is so out of whack

Mother Gaia doing anything to get back on track

So the whole paradigm must be rearranged

If you can’t play your part — find a different astral plane

Our planet needs healing and we must do our part

It first starts within, then when spread throughout communities, the new era will start

The Indigo, Crystal & Star children are here to bring in a new wave

We see and acknowledge the darkness, but there is no way we are afraid

Collectively we have been through too much

I don’t know about you but it seems its time for a tune up

It is no longer in our best interest to turn the other way

The power is in OUR hands and in our hands, it shall stay



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